Work package 3
Work Package 3: Improve Prediction models (ready for calculating extremes)

In this workpackage the Wasserverband Eifel-Rur and Waterschap Limburg cooperate on the concrete measures and activities around the Rur. To improve the forecast information and forecast system Rur the explicit expertise of the KNMI and TU Delft are brought in for a systematic and scientific justification for the changes and improvements introduced. Both institutes have experience in this field that can be of great use in this cross border river activity.
Project 3.1.1
Forecast system Ruhr
The Rur catchment is situated near the border triangle of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The most part is German whereas the most upper parts of the catchment are partly on Belgian territory and the lowest part is situated in the Netherlands. In flood situations and low flow periods the discharge from the Rur catchment has also a significant effect on the Meuse river. Because of different locations and assignments there are diverse requirements and courses of action for the different river basin managing institutions.
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D.T. 3.1.1 Forecast-System for the Rur-Reservoir-System_Deliverable (pdf, 570 kB)
Project 3.2.1
The aim of this project is to make the Caumerbeek system in the core of Heerlen more robust against flooding through the application of dynamic buffering in the various buffers existing and yet to be realised. The Caumerbeek system consists of the Caumerbeek and the side streams Schiffelerbeek, Palembergerbeek, Oude Beek, Schroetebeek, Loopgraaf and Lotbroek.
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D.T. 3.2.1 Flexibele water basins (pdf, 4.2 MB)
Project 3.3.1
To come to aclimate adaptive registration of the watersystem, we need a stakeholder analysis and CARE criteria for validation and evaluation.
This project will result in a report with an analysis of environment, actors and issues, and a description of environmental vision CARE criteria with building stones and go/no go decision criteria.