RWTH Aachen University


The insitut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft (IWW) of RWTH Aachen University has years of experience in flood control. Professor Schüttrumpf has been a well-known and reliable expert for municipalities and associations in flood protection and other water management issues for 15 years.

It is relevant to mention the following about IWW:

  • It has a 2,250 m² experimental hall and the metrological equipment for hydraulic engineering model tests.
  • IWW has recently successfully participated in another EU financed Interreg project (LIVES). Further international projects are mainly funded by the federal ministery of Education and Research and focused on India, Kamerun, Oakistan, Iran, Vietnam. IWW also participates in a climate center in cooperation with TU Dresden, Bangkok and Chennai funded by German Academics Exchange Service.