Succesful meeting of Water Border region tastes for more

Water does not respect borders. The flood of July 2021 indicated more than ever that flood risk management should be tackled interregional. On Friday 17 February, Service Public de Wallonia (SPW), Wasserverband Eifel-Rur and Waterschap Limburg, together with KNMI and knowledge institutes from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, met in Vaals to discuss more intensive cooperation. It was the first time that all these parties met together. The meeting concluded with a declaration of intent to give substance to this collaboration from the European-funded Interreg program EMfloodResilience.
The project EMfloodResilience
The aim of the EMfloodResilience project is to improve the euregional exchange of information and to broaden the cooperation between public river management services. The ultimate goal is to be better prepared for the next extreme flood and thus prevent future loss of life and socio-economic damage. You can read more about this project on this website.
This project is being carried out within the framework of Interreg V-A Euregio Meuse-Rhine, with funding from the European Regional Development Fund.